(There’s even a bit derived from “The Thing From Another World” in which one ill-advised character contemplates Calvin’s scientific awesomeness.) Either screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick haven’t got the goods, or there really are only so many things you can do with a homicidal space creature and a manned ship.

But the movie’s story “beats” are inescapably commonplace. There are some disquieting bits-the early scene in which the maturing Calvin grabs on to Hugh’s gloved hand and simply will not let go is a nice burner, for sure. There’s also the constant, insistent score by Jon Ekstrand, bearing down right from the opening and not doing much for the cause. The other effects and settings are solid but unextraordinary, although the hiccupped blood bubbles that float around after escaping from Calvin’s victims are a nice ghoulish touch. And without that you’re always going to suffer by comparison. But early on I thought, let’s face it, it ain’t Giger. Eventually it grows into a tentacled cross between a mutant lotus and an irritated cobra. At first it’s kind of like a living version of those icky sticky wall-tumbling toys. One of the bigger-name crew members does get to play (spoiler alert, sort of) a reprise of the Steven Seagal role in “ Executive Decision.” That’s because little Calvin suddenly starts growing awful fast. You may remember the nickname “Dead Meat” from “Hot Shots,” or the phrase “Bantha Fodder” from one of the “ Star Wars” movies. Two other crew members are played by Olga Dihovichnaya and Hiroyuki Sanada, the latter back in space for the first time since Danny Boyle’s 2007 “Sunshine.” Science dude Hugh ( Ariyon Bakare), paralyzed from the waist down, loves zero gravity conditions, and initially loves the single-cell organism (named “Calvin” by a group of contest-winning schoolchildren down on home sweet Earth) he’s wrested from a sample of Martian soil. Cautious medical officer David, played by an often bug-eyed Jake Gyllenhaal, is initially the fella who says things like “We weren’t trained for this.” Rebecca Ferguson’s Miranda plays den mother to him and others.
Good life movie full#
Ryan Reynold’s cocky Roy is the cowboy of the bunch he goes on a spacewalk to catch an off-course capsule full of research materials straight from Mars. The picture takes place almost entirely on a claustrophobic, labyrinthine space station director Espinosa and cinematographer Seamus McGarvey have a lot of fun in the early scene “floating” the camera along with the space station crew. The film stars Reese Witherspoon in the lead role, Arnold Oceng, Ger Duany, Emmanuel Jal, and Corey Stoll. With a childhood marked by poverty and distress, protagonist Mikey has been in search of the good life, eliminating anything that didn't fit into his ideal world.

As such, “Life” struck me as several cuts above “meh” but never made me jump out of my seat. The Good Lie is a 2014 American drama film written by Margaret Nagle and directed by Philippe Falardeau. With Robert McGill Jr., Robert McGill, Janell Flugence, Selam Workeneh.